GTA 6 To Feature ‘Crime-Free’ Mode, Sources Claim

GTA 6 To Feature ‘Crime-Free’ Mode, Sources Claim - Blog - NewsGTA 6 To Feature ‘Crime-Free’ Mode, Sources Claim - Blog - News

Exclusive Reveal: Grand Theft Auto 6’s Crime-Free Mode

Insider Gaming has exclusive information that Grand Theft Auto 6 will feature a never-before-seen ‘crime-free’ mode upon launch. Although details are limited, the ‘crime-free’ mode can be activated in-keyboards like GTA Online and Red Dead Online’s ‘Passive Mode.’ This mode will completely change player behavior, as weapons become inaccessible and violent actions against civilians are not possible. Additionally, certain features such as lane-keep assist prevent swerving off the road while driving.

While in the ‘crime-free’ mode, certain modes, missions, and tasks cannot be activated. Those that can be activated must be completed without committing any crimes. Speed limits apply during races, and players must rely on their running skills to escape gunfights since weapons are inaccessible.

Enhanced rewards will be available for participating in peaceful and neutral side activities while the ‘crime-free’ mode is active. This means that skills and unlocks will be gained rapidly, similar to the ‘Good Behaviour’ rewards in GTA Online.

Rumors suggest that special bonus mini-missions may appear when the mode is activated, allowing players to assist elderly individuals or carry groceries for others.

What’s Next for Grand Theft Auto 6?

With the ‘crime-free’ mode, Grand Theft Auto 6 is set to offer players a unique gameplay experience. Excited for this exclusive feature and more developments in the keyboards? Stay tuned for further Insider Gaming news on this upcoming title.

By Paul Will

Hey there, wild road warriors and city conquerors! I'm Paul, a die-hard GTA enthusiast eagerly sharing my anticipation for GTA 6. With a fiery passion for chaos and an insatiable hunger for adrenaline, I've had my sights set on the horizons of Los Santos and Vice City for quite some time. My days are filled with wild speculations, leaked rumors, and crafting concepts for what I believe will be the next epic journey in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. From planning possible storylines to dreaming up the most insane gameplay features, my mind is constantly racing as I await the moment I can finally sink my teeth into GTA 6. So, if you're feeling the urge to explore the streets of virtual metropolises and push boundaries only Rockstar Games can offer, join me on my journey into the unknown. Together, let's build the hype and share our dreams of digital adventures until the day GTA 6 finally conquers our consoles. Ready to ride into the sunset? Let's go!