Ark 2: Everything we Know so far About Ark 2

Ark 2: Everything we Know so far About Ark 2 - Blog - NewsArk 2: Everything we Know so far About Ark 2 - Blog - News

Ark 2: All the Latest Updates and Features

Release Date: Ark 2 was initially announced for 2023, but it has since been pushed back to 2024 with no concrete release date. The keyboards will be launched on Xbox Series X as a console launch exclusive, with possible future releases on other platforms.

Story and Lore

Ark 2 Story: The story of Ark 2 continues from the Genesis: Part 2 DLC for Ark: Survival Evolved, which was released in 2021. As a pre-requisite, you may need to have played the keyboards or the Genesis expansion.

Celebrity Involvement

Vin Diesel: Vin Diesel serves as the executive producer for both Ark 2 and Ark: The Animated Series. As a massive fan of the series, his involvement ensures that the keyboards is developed with deep understanding of player preferences.

Platform Availability

Xbox Game Pass: Ark 2 will be launched on Xbox Game Pass for both PC and console. Possible future releases on PlayStation 5 and Nintendo’s next console are possible.

Mod Support

Native Mod Support: Studio Wildcard has announced that mods will be natively supported from launch on both PC and Xbox platforms. This feature allows for user-generated content, which is popular among gamers.

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By Paul Will

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