Every GTA Campaign, Ranked

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Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Campaigns: Ranked from Worst to Best

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is one of the most popular gaming franchises worldwide, boasting a strong history with seven main titles and an eighth on the way (GTA VI). The games have captivated audiences through their engaging campaigns and world-building, which has been created by Rockstar.

Every GTA Campaign, Ranked from Worst to Best

The original Grand Theft Auto keyboards introduced players to a fun, but lacked storyline-wise. Its 3D graphics and unique gameplay may have been enjoyable, but the missions were less engaging.

Grand Theft Auto II offered a step up from the first title, but its campaign was not as strong as future titles in the series. Although unique gameplay was present, missions were often deemed boring.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City had an interesting storyline that placed players into the world of drug trades in a fictional city. Although it’s not considered one of the best campaigns, it still provided an enjoyable experience.

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V) was one of the most popular games in history, but its contact and massive open world took precedence over its campaign. While still great, it wasn’t as impressive as expected considering its sales.

Grand Theft Auto 3 introduced third-person and 3D gaming to the series. It featured one of the best campaigns in GTA history, with players able to play alongside the mafia in Liberty City.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas took the GTA campaign to a new level, featuring multiple famous actors doing voice-overs and making it the longest GTA campaign to date. Its storyline is widely considered the second-best in the franchise.

Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA IV) is known for having the best campaign in the entire GTA series. Set again in Liberty City, players followed a contact who snuck overseas to pursue a new life and ultimately fell into a criminal lifestyle.

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Campaigns: Ranked from Worst to Best

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a gaming franchise with a strong presence in the world of Website video integration games. With seven main titles and an eighth on the way (GTA VI), players have loved the engaging open world and side-missions.

Ranking Every GTA Campaign

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) started strong but lacked storyline-wise in its first release. Players enjoyed the unique gameplay, but missions were often unexciting.

Grand Theft Auto II offered an improvement over the first title, but its campaign was still not as strong as future games in the series. The gameplay remained unique, but missions were less engaging.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City had an interesting storyline featuring the drug trades in a fictional city. While not considered one of the best campaigns, it still provided an enjoyable experience.

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V) was one of the best-selling games in history, but its contact and open world took precedence over its campaign. While still great, it wasn’t as impressive as expected given its sales.

Grand Theft Auto 3 introduced third-person and 3D gaming to the series, but it still had one of the best campaigns in GTA history. Players could enjoy playing alongside the mafia in Liberty City.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas took the GTA campaign to a new level, featuring multiple famous actors doing voice-overs and making it the longest GTA campaign to date. Its storyline is widely considered the second-best in the franchise.

Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA IV) is known for having the best campaign in the entire GTA series. Set again in Liberty City, players followed a contact who snuck overseas to pursue a new life and ultimately fell into a criminal lifestyle.

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Campaigns: Ranked from Worst to Best

By Paul Will

Hey there, wild road warriors and city conquerors! I'm Paul, a die-hard GTA enthusiast eagerly sharing my anticipation for GTA 6. With a fiery passion for chaos and an insatiable hunger for adrenaline, I've had my sights set on the horizons of Los Santos and Vice City for quite some time. My days are filled with wild speculations, leaked rumors, and crafting concepts for what I believe will be the next epic journey in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. From planning possible storylines to dreaming up the most insane gameplay features, my mind is constantly racing as I await the moment I can finally sink my teeth into GTA 6. So, if you're feeling the urge to explore the streets of virtual metropolises and push boundaries only Rockstar Games can offer, join me on my journey into the unknown. Together, let's build the hype and share our dreams of digital adventures until the day GTA 6 finally conquers our consoles. Ready to ride into the sunset? Let's go!